Little Busters! Wiki

Before starting to edit on the wiki, please read this page.

Acceptable Images

  • .pngs
These are the most preferred images as they maintain good quality of the original image taken. Others like the .jpgs or .gifs are known to reduce quality, which we do not want on our images when adding them to respective articles.
  • .jpgs
Although not as much preferred as .pngs, they are perfectly acceptable on the wiki. The reason why .jpgs are not preferred is that the background is automatically given a white color, unlike .pngs files.
  • .gifs
We seldom use .gifs on the wiki but they are accepted on user pages.


Fanart is not allowed on the wiki, as much as we like it. Neither on your profile, nor on wiki pages and will be removed, as we do not want to have to deal with copyright violations. Only official artworks from the visual novel, anime, and mangas will be allowed.


Every image uploaded must have a purpose on this wiki. If the image uploaded has no usage, it will be marked for deletion and subsequently deleted by an administrator.

Image Quality

Here is a list of tips with what you should consider when uploading an image:
  • Avoid widescreen shots. Widescreen images sometimes contain black bars, and more importantly the large width of the images disrupts the visibility of thumbnails by increasing the amount of empty space. It's best to clip the image down to what you are actually depicting.
  • Avoid watermarks. If an image is watermarked by a TV station, we may accept it, however if the image you upload is watermarked by another website we will likely delete it right away.
  • Avoid subtitles and translations made by scanalation groups. It is best to use a frame where there are no subtitles, or use a group that uses soft subtitles and formats like .mkv. Subtitles and the edits made by scanalation groups ruin the image, reduces its originality, and also incorporates a fuzzy copyright issue that technically makes those images illegal.
